Tuesday, January 11, 2011

a little note while I neb

Hey there,
Its 7 am on the 12th and I thought that I could attempt to pick up where I left off while I use my nebulizer.  ( lets just say this sickness hasn't gone away very easily or quickly)  Yesterday we went to a montissori school where the kids were broken up into primary and elementary sections and then continued with 7th grade and up in a normal setting.  We walked into the principals office and right away I got a bad taste for the school, the principal seem fairly frazzled as she didn't realize we were to be there for two days and immediately told us that when we go to a classroom, we find a mat and sit in a corner, no interaction with the kids because it would hinder their growth.  We separated into classes and I went with  Kelsey to a elementary montessori section, ages 6 to 12 in one room.  It was complete chaos, no structure no discipline and honestly one of the most US-like schools we have seen here.  The montessori style of giving the children time to learn as they wish had backfired.  At the age of 6, clicks had been formed and outcasted could be singled out.  We saw a lot more international and rich children at this school, costing nearly 45,000 rupees ( 1,000 US $) a year, this drew in a certain crowd.  The TVS academy, which cost 500 US $ was ten times the education as this, there, the campus was sprawling, children interacted with us on a whole new level, they were in love with their education, called their teachers sister and loved everything and everyone in their class.  The montessori school was horrible.  As we attempted to interact with children in 8th grade, normal class setting, they could not communicate with us.  The were shy, and mean when a few of the kids did answer our questions.  They had no careers in mind and no aspirations.  They stood up during class and would walk around the room to see friends or completely disregard the teacher.  There was a continuation of a lack for regarding time and concepts due to not having a baseline lesson taught to build concepts off of.   When Vidya asked for a syllabus for grading observation criteria, the teachers shifted and said they'd get back to us.  We are to go back today to view their pongal festival, the festival of the harvest that we have been watching all over southern India.  After we view this, Miles and Vidya are to take us to the express mall to watch a bollywood movie.  I hope everything goes to plan!

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