Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sari Shopping :) 15th

These past few days have continued our tourist mode with tons of stops, sights and shops!  On the 15th, we spent most of the day shopping here and there, but the final store was the big one.... SARI SHOPPING!!  We pulled up to this run down street corner, and immediately I was disappointed and thought that this was not the experience I wanted, yet Vidya seemed unfazed, got out of the van and began walking down a back alley.  Giving her the benefit of the doubt, she pulls us into this building that isn't even on the main street, but the second you walk in , your in awe.  15 plus feet ceilings with rich dark wood and bolts and bolts of sari material everywhere you look.  Tables and chairs all the way around with eager sales men waiting to pull out every color you could possibly imagine.  Then we learn that there are two floors, first floor, pure silk saris and second floor are silk cotton blend.  I knew, from the moment I had my plastic american girl, girls of many lands doll from India whom had a pink silk sari, that thats what i needed.  It was an aspiration of mine to always want to look like this doll I had growing up.  As the fabric began to flow out, we all began to feel completely overwhelmed.  Four of us stayed on the ground floor while the rest went upstairs, and what we hoped to be a feeling of simply  knowing that this would be the sari that you buy, we got frustration and indecisiveness.  We all had the hopes of it being like what people say about your wedding dress, you just would know... but that feeling had yet to come.  We pulled out every sari in the pink, orange, purple and blue color  price range the guy could think of, and I felt more like a sari hoard, simply grabbing whatever caught my eye, than finding one that I loved.  It almost had some feelings of competition as we all scurried around the same color palate for the one you wanted.  After looking at the saris upstairs, we came back down to really focus on what we wanted.  As we sat down, I had my eyes set on 2 saris, one was a bright and vibrant turquoise blue and gold, the other a vibrant purple and bright yellow.  As I attempted to choose between the two, that I didn't really love, but felt more in a panic to find one, I was about to simply pick one that looked nice rather than falling in love with it, when a softer, but still vibrant purple and gold sari caught my eye.  Everyone began to partially dismiss it as apposed to the two extremely vibrant saris draped on my shoulder, so I put it down and continued to debate in front of the mirror.  One by one, the girls had found their saris, some debated over the price of the sari they loved, but I sat there with the two in front of me and the gold and purple off on the side.  As I sat there, the light caught the gold and purple sari just right and a turquoise hue began making its a appearance.  As I played around with it in the light, I was asked if I had decided... no matter how much I pushed myself to buy a vibrant blue, I kept coming back to this gold, purple and turquoise.  I made my decision, the sari that had caught my eye and my heart, the gold and purple Sari was my Sari.  After buying it and seeing all the beautiful colors that everyone else had bought, we all had a feeling of pride and exhaustion.  So a quick nap, of laying out of all the objects that I had bought, and a small rest, we headed down stairs for dinner and ended the night hanging out and watching aladdin.

i'll post a picture when its all finished from the tailor!!

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