Monday, January 10, 2011

Long time, no post... sorry

I apologise for not writing in 4 days. A lot has happened.  We have spent two days at a Muslim school and two days at a very nice private academy in Housr, seen a dance performance, visited Bangalore and visited two Hindi temples.  I'll try to catch back up all that has been done.  The experience has been life changing more than I can express.  India has a warm place in my heart now, and I can honestly say that I can see  myself coming back here to continue to grow and learn more.  Right now, our whole group is struggling with methods of paying our lessons that we have gathered forward.  Along with these deep reflections and appreciations for the education we were granted, half of our group has fallen ill, myself included.  The nebulizer has been brought out and all is well.  Vidya and the local teachers give us home-remedy teas to drink or try if the opportunity presents itself.  We have a free afternoon tomorrow, so I will try and catch back up then! Sorry again!!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you feel better! Amazing post, I look forward to reading it!
